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Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH


Courage+Khazaka electronic GmbH is the world market leader for scientific measurement tools to objectively quantify a complete range of parameters (sebum, moisture, pH, TEWL, elasticity, melanin, colour, roughness, gloss, lines and wrinkles and others) on the skin. The instruments are used in the R&D departments of cosmetic/pharmaceutical/ raw material companies and independent testing institutes worldwide. Due to their user friendliness and reasonable prices they are not only used by large international companies but also by smaller and medium sized cosmetic companies to test their products at each stage of development. The same technology is used in smaller and easy handling devices for cosmetic consultations/POS.The instruments are the ideal tools for independent testing laboratories undertaking efficacy testing and claim support. They are also used for objective clinical diagnosis in all fields of dermatology.


Courage + Khazaka electronic GmbH
Mathias-Brüggen-Str. 91
50829 Köln




Machinery, Personal Care